
Participaction – For health benefits, adults aged 65 years or older should be physically active each day, minimize sedentary time, and achieve sufficient sleep.

Physical Activity Toolkit for Older Adults is a guide for making improvements in your personal fitness.

Sunnybrook Specialized Geriatric Services provides five videos with exercises to keep frail older people moving safely.

Active Aging Canada supports lifelong healthy active aging of adult Canadians through participation, education, research, and promotion.

Etobicoke Pickleball Association is a non-profit association of volunteer pickleball enthusiasts committed to growing the sport of pickleball.

Local Parks: Walking distance from our home are parks worth exploring. North on Islington on the east side is Fairhaven Park. To the south, on the east side of Isington near the NoFrills plaza is Alex Marchetti Park. And on the west side of Islington, south side of Dixon is Wincott Park.

YouTube is a great source of inspiration for staying fit. Search for Silver Sneakers, Zumba Gold, chair zumba, chair yoga, etc. YouTube is available on your TV – Bell Fibe. Here are some examples recommended by residents: