Falls Lunch & Learn

The NORC community arranged for Alicia Remark, an occupational therapist, to speak about preventing falls, and some steps we can take if we do fall. Fifty residents came for the presentation and it was evident that we were all giving her our full attention. So many of...

Toronto Community Paramedics

On Tuesday the Toronto Community Paramedics came to our Lunch & Learn to talk about wellness clinics in NORC (Naturally Occuring Retirement Community) buildings like ours. We heard about the many advantages for residents. These clinics run at regular intervals and...

February L&L

Make a date to join the February 6th Lunch & Learn when the Toronto Community Paramedics will be on site to explain what they do and how they may be able to support wellness at Islington 2000.  As usual, bring your own lunch to the party room at noon – the...

Estate Planning Concepts for Seniors

The January Lunch & Learn was presented by Kam Chari from our condominium complex. He spoke on the topic of estate planning for older people. There was an appreciative audience who brought forward many questions which allowed Kam to dig deeper into the concepts....

L&L for January 2024

Our next Lunch & Learn will be on January 9th. The presenter will be Kam Chari who spoke to us last year about his book “The Seven Stages of Planning”. He will talk about estate planning concepts for older adults, including wills and...